
Ministry Positions

“Each should use whatever gift received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Child & Youth Ministries
Are you passionate about educating the young and helping to nurture the future of the Catholic Church? Or perhaps you are a young person looking for an opportunity to get involved and give back to your parish community?
Volunteer with children and youth
Counselling Ministries
Are you called to be a guide, counsellor, or friend to the Catholic community? Have you been blessed with the gift of giving comfort, support, and wisdom to others?
Join a counselling ministry
Parish Committees
Do you possess skills in finance, accounting, operations and/or management and have a heart for service?
Serve in a parish committee
Social Ministries
Do you work best in groups, connecting with others to share the love of God?
Sign up for a social ministry

Lay Associations

Lay associations are groups and associations affiliated with the Catholic Church. They offer many volunteer opportunities to connect and to serve.

Please note that lay associations are independent entities from the Archdiocese of Toronto and local parishes. They have their own volunteer screening guidelines and procedures. The Archdiocese of Toronto and its parishes are not involved in or responsible for volunteer screening for lay associations. Please contact the group you are interested in for further information.

Learn more about lay associations

Test Ready to volunteer? Please contact your local parish and speak with a screening coordinator to find out about volunteer opportunities available.