
Child & Youth Ministries

“Train a child up in the way that they should go, and when they are old, they will not stray.” Proverbs 22:6

Are you passionate about educating the young and helping to nurture the future of the Catholic Church? Or perhaps you are a young person looking for an opportunity to get involved and give back to your parish community? 

Consider volunteering with children and youth in these ministries:

  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Catechist
  • Liturgy of the Word with Children Leader - Presider
  • Liturgy of the Word with Children Helper
  • Mothers Group, Children's Care - Babysitting Services
  • RCIA adapted for Children of Catechetical Age Catechist
  • Religious Education Catechist
  • Religious Education Assistant
  • Sacramental Preparation Team Member
  • Sports League Coach
  • Totus Tuus Camp Volunteer
  • Totus Tuus Program Coordinator
  • Youth Minister
  • Youth Minister’s Assistant
  • Youth Ministers' Director

Volunteer Opportunities as a child or youth:

  • Altar Server - Child - Youth
  • Choir Member - Youth - Child
  • Core Team Member (e.g. Steubenville Toronto, LifeTeen)
  • Totus Tuus Camp Volunteer

Test Ready to volunteer? Please contact your local parish and speak with a screening coordinator to find out about volunteer opportunities available.